It’s fair to say that very rare is the individual who has perfect feet that are aligned perfectly. Almost all of us have a foot imperfection that affects the way we stand, walk, or run. The question that bears asking is, “does our imperfection cause us problems, especially with pain?” and “How do I know if I need orthotics?”

At Care-Med, we help adults and children who are dealing with some kind of a problem related to their feet and the way they stand/walk/run. The one thing all of our patients have in common is they are seeking some kind of relief from pain or body function issues. Wearing custom orthotics or insoles, we can give our patients the relief they need.

To help understand the value of orthotics, the following information is going to focus on the concept of orthotics. It will then lead to telling you how to know if you or your child are a candidate for orthotics.

What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are devices that are worn inside shoes to help support and align the feet and legs. They can be used to treat a variety of conditions such as flat feet, high arches, overpronation, and plantar fasciitis.

There are several signs that may indicate a need for orthotics. These include:

  • Pain or discomfort in the feet, ankles, knees, hips, or back
  • Uneven wear on the soles of shoes
  • Difficulty standing or walking for long periods of time
  • Foot, ankle, or knee injuries
  • Flat feet or high arches
  • Overpronation or supination

If you or your child are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is best to consult a healthcare professional such as a Pedorthist for a proper assessment and recommend the most appropriate type of orthotic for your needs.

What Causes Improper Foot Development or Alignment?

There are a lot of reasons why people have problems with their feet. For some people, it’s simply a matter of genetics. There is something in their genetic code that predisposes their feet to develop improperly. Other than genetics, here are a few other causes of improperly developed or aligned feet:

  • Nutritional issues
  • Other physical deformities that put uneven pressure on the feet
  • Injuries to the feet or other parts of the body that disturb a person’s walking/running gait (Shin Splints, Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, stress fractures, etc.)
  • Abnormal Lower Limb Biomechanics (Compartment Syndrome, Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Osgood Schlatters Disease, etc.)

How do I know if I need orthotics as an Adult?

How do I know if I need orthotics

The first indication something is not right with your feet is foot, leg, or back pain. If you were to consult with a physician or orthopedic surgeon regarding such pain, they would likely go through a progression of possibilities. That would include looking at your feet and the way you stand, walk, or run. Aside from using pain as an indicator, there are at least four other signs you should consider that might point to benefiting from orthotics.

1. You regularly Stand for Long Periods
If you stand for long periods due to your work, there is a good chance you are putting undue stress on your plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a ligament that runs from heel to toe. Should you strain or rupture that ligament (called plantar fasciitis), an orthotic device or pad could serve to relieve the pressure on your plantar fascia, making it easier to stand properly.

2. Uneven Wear on Your Shoes
Improperly developed or aligned feet would cause you to walk or run in a very distinct way. As a byproduct of an unusual gait, you would experience uneven wear along the soles or sides of your shoes. This is a typical sign of your feet rolling inward (pronating) or turning outward (supinating.) Orthotics can easily fix these kinds of footwear issues.

3. Arch Issues
If your feet don’t develop properly, you might end up with high arches or no arches on your feet. This would put undue pressure on the surface, heels, or toes of your feet. Orthotics can compensate for arch problems by giving you the proper arch support you need for a proper gait.

4. Lower Trunk Injuries
After healing from an injury to your lower back, hips, pelvis, legs, or feet, you should immediately consult with an orthopedic physician. Their job would be to assess whether or not the injury had affected your feet alignment or gait. If there is an issue, an orthotic device or pad can compensate for the deficiency and perhaps correct it in short order.

Before moving on, it’s important for us to point out that the use of orthotics could be temporary or permanent. It will depend on the extent of the problem and the likelihood the problem can be corrected over time.

How to Tell if a Child needs Orthotics

How do you know if you or your child need orthoticsChildren are particularly vulnerable to foot problems that can lead to improper development and alignment of their feet. Until the age of about 20, bones are continuing to develop. Until bones in the feet are fully developed, they are prone to problems.

In case you are wondering, there are some solid indicators that your child is having problems walking or running. The indicators include:

  • Inability to consistently keep up with kids the same age
  • Their feet turn inwards
  • Their feet turn outwards
  • Foot arches are not developing properly
  • Constant complaints of pain and discomfort when standing/walking/running
  • Unusual walking/running gait
  • Child is constantly asking someone to carry them

If you notice any of these signs, it’s imperative that you take your child to see a podiatrist for Pediatric Orthotics. The earlier you get a diagnosis, the more likely it is that orthotics can actually correct the problem while providing immediate relief.

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