Athletic performance and jobs that require standing put stress on the body that needs the relief that compression pump therapy provides. Demands on the lower extremities create a need for recovery after uninterrupted use or breaks of only a short duration.

Not surprisingly, the consequences of intense pressure can produce significant impacts that affect comfort and endurance over time. Dynamic compression can enhance the condition of the lower legs as an efficient and effective approach that contributes to fitness.

Understanding the Need for Compression Pump Therapy

Controlled pressure enhances the blood flow in the legs and facilitates its return to the heart for oxygenation. When circulation increases, it helps muscles relax and removes toxins that build up in muscles from intense and prolonged use. As a compression pump massages the legs, it reduces muscle soreness and contributes to relaxation or physical therapy.

Bio Compression Pump has medical approval by Health Canada and Canadian insurance companies, allowing coverage for lymphedema and other conditions that require professional equipment for health purposes.

At Care-Med, we help clients understand provisions in insurance policies, including Extended Health Care plans.

Providing Benefits of Therapy for Athletes and Runners

Compression offers improved circulation to anyone who likes to run, work out or participate in sports competitions. In addition, it supplies oxygen to the muscles and boosts performance levels. Experienced athletes and runners know the pain that results from the lactic acid buildup as a natural consequence of exercise. Nonetheless, most people find it painful and a deterrent to the recovery process.

Compression pump therapy lessens soreness and helps generate new muscle tissue, both practical contributions to recovery. Understanding why it works can encourage runners and athletes to seek a highly effective form of therapy. In addition, Flushing toxins from the bloodstream through compression provides benefits that other forms of treatment cannot match.

Muscle Flexibility
Technological advances provide the compression that warms muscles and enhances flexibility. Warmth and suppleness allow muscles to achieve a greater range of motion. In addition, relaxing the muscles and the surrounding tissue increases the range of motion and elasticity.

Oxygen Supply
A study by the National Institutes of Health confirms compression increased the oxygen level in muscles after exercise. For many years, professional and amateur athletes, runners and trainers have incorporated compression into exercise routines. However, anyone can improve athletic performance with the benefits that compression provides after a regular workout. Oxygen powers the muscles and lessens soreness after exertion, making compression an essential part of an exercise program.

Compression therapy increases circulation and causes blood to move more quickly through the veins. As it delivers blood containing lactic acid and metabolic waste to the heart for cleaning, it speeds the recovery process. In addition, the removal of toxins from tired and sore muscles contributes significantly to healing.

Relieving Pain of Standing or Sitting
The Bureau of Labor Statistics includes walking, climbing, stooping and crawling as jobs that require standing except for paid breaks. Almost 57 percent of workers stand while working, and about 43 percent sit for most hours of the day on the job. Both employment situations can create leg problems that compression pump therapy may help alleviate.

WebMD cites muscle cramps, aches, blood clots, nerve issues, pain and itching as symptoms of distress. Jobs for security guards, nurses, retail staff, teachers and carpenters require standing, while desk jobs allow little access to physical movement.

As a result, workers may develop a feeling of weightiness in the legs and pain that increases over time. In many cases, itching may occur near veins. Compression can provide relief and benefit anyone who spends the working day either standing or sitting. However, health issues that may result from either condition require attention.

Pain Relief
As a symptom that people often choose to ignore, pain exists for an important reason. It provides the body with a way to send an alert that something does not seem right. Instead of masking the signal with pain relievers, a change in behavior may produce a far better effect.

BLS cites jobs that give workers a choice of sitting or standing, including correctional officers, security guards, coaches and pharmacists. On the other hand, few web developers, industrial production managers, food service managers and cost estimators have the option. Compression pump therapy relieves pain by forcing blood back to the heart as it compresses muscles.

Anyone who suffers from the condition may experience swelling in the legs accompanied by tightness, heaviness, aches and discomfort. Medicine Net cites it as the inability of the lymph system to drain excess fluid, allowing swelling, tingling, burning, rash and fever or chills to occur.

Compression gently directs fluids out of the tissue and reduces swelling by allowing it to flow through the lymph system of vessels.

Choosing Compression Pump Therapy for Comfort, Health and Appearance

A reduction of pain and improvement in health makes compression pump therapy an option that deserves consideration. In addition, the process can contribute to a person’s appearance as well.

  • Veins
    While the veins allow blood to flow against gravity back to the heart for the oxygenation process, obstacles prevent the routine function from occurring. Blood can begin to pool when the flow does not happen properly, creating varicose veins. Excess blood can cause the veins to develop pain as they swell and assume contorted shapes. Poor circulation may create a condition that worsens as the veins become more swollen and twisted. Compression therapy can help prevent the earliest occurrence of varicose veins by addressing the issue before it becomes an entrenched problem. In addition, it helps ease the pain and discomfort of the condition as it works to minimize the appearance of unsightly, distended veins.
  • Cellulite
    Almost no one likes the appearance of cellulite, but many women have the condition whether they like it or not. While medical science has not discovered the precise cause of cellulite, studies point to circulation issues. Cellulite allows a buildup of fat that compression pump therapy may help alleviate. Similar to the effect of the technique on problematic veins, cellulite may respond with a positive outcome.
  • Swollen Legs and Feet
    Even the most attractive and shapely legs and feet can lose their natural beauty when standing or sitting for long periods cause them to swell. In such cases, gravity can make pushing blood back to the heart a problem for the veins in the lower legs. Compression pump therapy can gently squeeze the legs and allow the blood to flow more rapidly. Preventing the accumulation of fluids allows the legs to maintain a graceful and attractive shape.

Considering the Benefits of Technology

Ancient Rome and Egypt used compression therapy for healing, and they understood the power of touch as well. While technology has brought both to new heights, the benefits they offered then remain equally important in contemporary society.

As compression applies gentle pressure to specific areas, it alerts people to feelings in their extremities. Many people find the increased awareness of legs and feet enjoyable while compression therapy improves comfort and relieves pain.

Compression pump therapy offers healthy options for young and old athletes and runners, workers, retirees, people who lead active or sedentary lives, and anyone with lymphedema or other health issues. Advances in technology provide options and benefits that ancient civilizations never imagined.

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